August month is my base training month. Building miles on flat roads at aerobic capacity is the aim. Balancing work, family and cycling is the challenge. So far, so good!
Thanks to my training partner I've been able to clock regular rides on weekends. The ride this Saturday was particularly rewarding since near windless conditions help us to maintain a high cadence in the aerobic zone over duration of our 2 hour road ride.
99 cadence average for the 2 hour ride. |
An important tip for winter training is to dress warmly. Currently the mountain tops in the Boland area of the Western Cape are covered in snow and this brings chilly temparures to the low lying areas. Leg warmers, long sleeved cycling tops, overshoes and most importantly thermal gloves are needed on these rides.
Winter clothing is needed when training in these temperatures. |
I'm enjoying the winter training as the pace is comfortable and rides are invigorating. Happy pedaling and keep the passion!
Winter training just got tough today due a longer route a moderate, but persistant headwind. Now for some much rest and recovery before the weekend ride :-)